A Day Late and a Dollar Short

“A day late and a dollar short” is something that my Father used to say, not just to me, but about other people. I wasn’t exactly sure what he was talking about, but I figured that I wasn’t working hard enough or often enough for him to see. Sometimes we don’t look at what we should be doing or when we should be doing it.
There is a story in the Old Testament that talks about when the children of Israel are getting ready to leave Egypt that tells of the marking of their doors so that the angel of death would pass over and not bring them harm. Those that did not mark their doors with the blood of a lamb would have the first-born male child taken in death. That included not only the Israelites but also the Egyptians.
Another time when the children of Israel were traveling in the desert, they were afflicted by deadly snakes. Moses had a tall pole set up in the camp, and it had a carving of a snake on it. If they would look up at the snake on the pole, they would be healed. If not, they would die. Many did die because they were too proud to look at the snake image on the pole.
Both of these examples represent looking to Jesus Christ.
Today we are afflicted with a pandemic that is killing some of the people who are infected with the virus. Those that are most vulnerable to the virus are those over sixty-five with some medical problems. Those of the younger generation may get it, and after a short illness, they recover. We have been told that if we all were to wear face masks that fewer people would get the virus. There are many who are refusing to wear masks. They are mostly young and are not as in as much danger. Older people are the ones who will get the virus and die.
It is very similar to things that have been asked before, but the ones who will suffer and die this time are not necessarily the first-born males, or those who refuse to look at the snake on the pole, but the older generation.
Carl J Stubbs (Jim)
I am seventy-seven and am one of those that are most vulnerable to death from the infection. I have no lamb’s blood to put on the door or a snake on a pole to help me. I have only the good graces of others that are willing to protect me. My belief in God asks me to help others and love them. It is what I am depending on from others today.
At any rate, I am staying away from others and attempting to keep away from the virus. I may know in a couple of years if I have been successful.
Today I no longer work, and so I just may be a day late and a dollar short.


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